Liberty Lives in New Hampshire
Join thousands of liberty-loving people like you!
Are you tired of government always getting bigger?
Do you feel like the only person around who just wants to Live Free?
You are not alone!
The Free State Project is a movement of thousands of freedom-loving people to New Hampshire.
Already, there are thousands of individuals just like you right here in New Hampshire. Together, Free Staters have built an incredible, real-life community full of people who value liberty and responsibility.
By concentrating our efforts in one small state with a pre-existing pro-liberty culture, we are turning the tide against big government, and we're experiencing the benefits of expanded personal and economic freedoms.
NH Liberty Forum, the annual conference hosted by The Free State Project in New Hampshire, is being held in Concord, New Hampshire this year. The event draws pro-liberty thinkers and activists from around the globe who are interested in building liberty-for-real.
Free State Project Camping Festival
June 16th - 22nd, 2025
Lancaster, New Hampshire
The Porcupine Freedom Festival is an annual liberty camping event organized by Free State Project. We hope you will join us for the festivities in Northern New Hampshire at Roger’s Campground for the most exciting liberty event of the year! See you there!
Visit the Free State
Check out PorcFest!
Keep an eye on our website for updates on PorcFest 2024 - the 21st annual Porcupine Freedom Festival. We hope you will join us for the festivities in northern New Hampshire at Roger’s Campground for the most exciting liberty event of the year!
Attend Liberty Forum
Visit and discuss how we are growing liberty at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum. While you're here, you can experience the Free State Project during a fun, snowy New Hampshire winter - you'll never want to leave!
“I came here wanting to find reasons to stay put. But my negativity was totally disarmed with the warm welcome we got. We met awesome Free Staters at a meetup they specifically created for us, ate amazing seafood, and met the Budweiser horses in Nashua!”
Tiffany, Mover from Michigan